2023 word of the year

It’s been a while since I’ve sat down at my computer to write anything other than an email. Remember last year when I wrote my word of the year for 2022 with the best intensions? Well, 2022 has come and gone. My word of the year for 2022 was peace. 2022 was a really hard year, both personally and professionally, and while I didn’t experience “peace” in 2022 I’m still thankful for it and the lessons that came with it.

Rather than attempting to chase peace in 2023, I’m choosing to create it. As I typically do in the weeks leading up to the new year, I sit back and think about what I want the new year ahead to look like (much like everyone else does I’m sure). What are my goals? What is my vision? Me me me. Instead, I decided to push back from the table, change my tune, and say a prayer – “lead me”. The same phrase kept flashing through my thoughts, and things became very clear.

2023 phrase to live by: “living simply”
2023 word of the year: present – 1. in a particular place, 2. existing or occurring now

Living simply wraps everything up in a bow really nicely… more on that later. At first I thought I should live this year with intention, but as my husband so kindly reminded me almost everything I do is intentional (and work related), and oftentimes that takes me away from the present. My goal for this year is to live simply, enjoy the routine, cherish the small moments, crave the simple things, SLOW DOWN, and truly be present.

This world is so chaotic lately. It seems like we all take a big inhale and slow down between Christmas and New Year’s Day, but then exhale and jump right back into the crazy come January 2nd. I’m personally making an active decision to no longer choose that. 2023 is the year of going back to the basics for me, my health, my family, and my mental capacity. Last year was insane – we accomplished SO MUCH and completed an almost unimaginable amount of projects considering our team size, but we did. I don’t know when I slept last year. The average human response to all that work is – now what? What else? We aren’t chasing the more, more, more in 2023 – we’re leveling up, fine tuning, and bringing things back to the basics.

Living simply and being present to me means slowing down, cooking more meals, moving my body in a healthy way each day, focusing on relationships, fine tuning crafts, nourishing my faith, and welcoming the opportunity to rest.

If you’ve made it past all my babble, let’s find a word or phrase for you to focus on this year!

In the past I’ve suggested printing your word out and framing it or writing it down and placing it somewhere you routinely are. One year I had my word propped up by my kitchen sink, and another year it lived by the coffee machine. Last year, I pinned it to one of my design boards in my office, a space where I spent most of all my mornings. I won’t be placing it there again this year! The point is to place your word of focus somewhere you’ll repeatedly see it day after day. I prefer to place my word somewhere I’ll see it every morning so I can start my day with that intention and this year is no different.

Everyone on The Highpoint House team is participating in the 2023 word of the year practice as well! It’s not too late to select a 2023 word of the year of your own. If you’d like to participate, feel free to let us know what word you choose! We’d love to be able to encourage you as you shape your year.

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24


hey there!

I'm Hannah! Owner + Creative Director behind The Highpoint House, interior design studio and home decor blog.


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